Samsung J4 Plus SM-J415F (U1, U2 & U4) Combination File

j415f combination file

Samsung J4 Plus J415F Combination File

Download samsung j4 plus j415f combination file with all binary you need (U1, U2 & U4) from GsmMafia.Com. Always check binary in recovery mode before flashing samsung devices. use same binary file as showing in recovery mode of your device. it will lead you to successful flashing.

Download Samsung J4 plus J415F Combination File:

How To Flash Combination File:

  1. Download combination file and odin tool
  2. Extract file and run odin
  3. Click on AP in odin and select file from location
  4. Connect your phone in download mode by pressing home+vol down+power key
  5. Click on start button
  6. After successfully flashed your phone will rebooot

If you face any problem in flashing your device you can ask or chat with me on our official facebook page.

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